Cinema 4D

Layouts and Palettes

Maxon's Cinema 4D has the ability to fully customize and save pallets by groups. I have learned to isolate grouped pallets to plugins in a comprehensive way and then save the pallets together as a layout. Here are a few helpful pallets that I have created with tools that I frequent.

A full dockable XP tool palette that is grouped and organized based on the X-Particles menu on the File Menu Bar.
This is a free X-Particles tool palette for Cinema 4D R20 "as is".

X-Particles Build 690 Early Access
Last Update: 06_30_2019

A full Real Flow tool palette that is grouped and organized based on the Real Flow menu on the File Menu Bar.
This is a free Real Flow tool palette for Cinema 4D R20 "as is".

Real Flow
Last Update: 06_30_2019

A tool palette containing a single button for mograph effectors.
This is a free Cinema 4D R20 tool palette "as is".

Cinema 4D R20
Last Update: 06_30_2019

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